NX Sports Overview

Sports play a crucial role in the development of our students during their time at Northcross.

We are proud to offer over 30 different sport codes at three levels of competition; all inclusive/social, competitive and elite.

If you can't find the sports information you need on our website, please email the sports department.

Our Sports Philosophy

We believe in:

  • Individual growth through challenge and learning within sport.
  • Participating with competitiveness and fair play.
  • Creating enjoyment and encouraging enthusiasm.
  • Providing opportunities.
  • Showing respect for all involved.
  • Being committed and hardworking.
  • Striving for success. 
  • Being gracious in defeat and humble in victory.
  • Supporting and encouraging others.
  • Building character.
  • Taking pride in ourselves, our school and our community.

Types of competition

Social / All Inclusive

Lunchtime inter-class competitions are played on school grounds during the week. The emphasis of this competition is on enjoyment and class participation.

Competitions run each term and offer students the opportunity to try a variety sports, including; Netball, Touch, TAG, Cricket, Softball, Football. 

More information will be provided by class room teachers and in the Daily Notices.

3 on 3 Touch (term 1) and Indoor Football (terms 2 & 3) competitions are open for all students to participate in. These competitions run after school on Fridays.

Weekly Competitions

For students who want to participate in competitive competitions, we have an excellent selection of sport teams that can be joined. These include sports like; Netball, Basketball, Hockey etc.

Some sports will require students to participate in a selection process to place them in a team with students of similar skill level. Trials will take place and teams will be posted on the individual sports page on this website. 

Information including trial dates will be provided in the Daily Notices and on this website prior to the sport starting.

NH Zone Days & InterZone Days

Teams and individual competitors can take part in North Harbour Zone competitions and if successful, possibly Auckland Interzone events.

Participation in the NH Zone Day is offered to high performing teams in weekly competitions, or by selection (for sports that do not have a weekly competition). Trials will take place approximately four weeks prior to the Zone Days.

Information will be provided in the Daily Notices and on this website prior to the events.

AIMS Games

Northcross has been participating in the AIMS (Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools) Games since 2004. It is one of Australasia’s largest junior sporting events, held annually in Tauranga.

This competitive event provides an opportunity for Year 7 & 8 students from all demographics and education contexts to compete in sporting competitions, to meet others from outside their normal peer group, and to learn and build on their social interaction skills.

Please note that this is a highly competitive event, with only one team per sport from NX selected each year. Intensive training will be required in the lead up to this event.

Our AIMS Games page will be updated in Term 2 and will contain relevant information for the trip as well as the selected individuals and teams (once decided).

Find out more

How to Join a Sport

Watch the daily notices for how and when to join a sport. The sign-up process will depend on the specific sport and type of competition. It will usually be via a form on the online shop. All students and parents will be required to sign the code of contact before joining a team. This can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.

Some sports will require students to participate in a selection process to place then in a team of students of similar skill level. See our selection process below for more information.

Please email the sports department if you have any further questions.

Our selection process

Our selection process is very extensive and thorough. It is done following our Sports Selection Policy, available to download from this page.

Trials for weekly competitions take place at least 6 weeks prior to the start of games, trials for Zone Days are approximately 4 weeks before the competition.

If a student is selected for a team or competition, then an email will be sent to notify you of this, with instructions for permission and payment.

Once teams have been finalised and announced, no discussion regarding selection will be entered into.

Download Selection Policy

NX Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct is a contract that must be signed by all students, parents, coaches and teachers who are involved in a sport at Northcross. It ensures that out sports philosophy is adhered to and keeps our sporting environment positive for students and coaches.

Key Sports Staff

Shannon Hale – Director of Sport and Netball Coordinator

Anna Lewthwaite – Sports Admin


We are very appreciative of the time and dedication all our coaches and managers offer our teams. The coaches selected for Team 1’s and/or AIMS teams are carefully assigned. And all Coaches and Managers are police vetted before appointment.

If you would like to become a coach or manager please contact the Sports Department for more information.

Email sports department

Attitude is everything

We emphasise to our students that ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING – be positive, determined, dedicated, committed and resilient.

Building resilience amongst all who play sport, no matter the level, is a focus.

Follow us on Facebook to see our latest achievements.