Indoor Football

Term 3 Team registration Open Soon

Check notices for Term 3 team sign ups. Get a team 0f 6- 7 players and sign up next term for the next Indoor Football Competition. Details out soon.

Indoor Football Information

General Info

What:   Term 2 Indoor Football Competition - Runs for approximately 9-10 weeks.

When: Friday afternoons between 3.10pm and 7pm – starting Friday 10th May. A complete draw will be available when teams have been finalised and will be posted on the Northcross website under Sport - Indoor Football.

Where: Northcross Intermediate Gym

Team:  Games are 5 aside but all teams must have at least 6 players, maximum 7.

Uniform: Fitness uniform and sports shoes must be worn (Indoor Football shoes are not a requirement)

Cost:    $25 per player (for the whole term)

Payment: To register your child for Indoor Football and confirm their place in a team, you will need to go to the NX Online Shop (you can also find the link on the Northcross Website). A payment of $25 will be required with registration. This payment is non-refundable. Registrations will need to be made by Monday 6th May so teams can be finalised.

Indoor Football Draw

Finals Draw

Click on Link below for Draw

20 minute games Fridays after school (between 3.10pm - 7pm)

In the School Gym

2024 Indoor Football Finals Draw Term 2


Cost:    $25 per player (for the whole term)

Payment: To register your child for Indoor Football and confirm their place in a team, you will need to go to the NX Online Shop (you can also find the link on the Northcross Website). A payment of $25 will be required with registration. This payment is non-refundable. Registrations will need to be made by Monday 6th May so teams can be finalised.


Cost:    $25 per player (for the whole term)

Payment: To register your child for Indoor Football and confirm their place in a team, you will need to go to the NX Online Shop (you can also find the link on the Northcross Website). A payment of $25 will be required with registration. This payment is non-refundable. Registrations will need to be made by Monday 6th May so teams can be finalised.

Teams & student contact

R5 Lukas Lynch
Jolly J’s Finn Jackson
Have IT ! Nixon Jaxon-Cox
Men in Black Liam’s Bassett
Football Boys Ben Everitt
Up the Whaz Geogia Corser
Foot with 6 Toes Jack Howitt
Ryan’s Toy World Matteo Cipolletta
We Touch Grass Luke Chang
Best Girls Maia Haves
Bofana Onanas Connor Coetzee
Bigmansus F.C Oisin McGinley
The Boys FC Callum
To Be Continued Ty Honey
Girl Power Mark Wen
Pink Fluffy Unicorns Esmee Grootscholten
The Sportsters Albie Caplain
Powerpuff Girls Zack van Grinsven
Tellie Tubbies George Wainhouse
FC Messi Connor Kerr
Bling Bling Nico Tomsett
Brianz Barbiez 2.0 Jaime Roozendaal
Nerd Castle United 2.0 Joe Zhang
Oodie Mahungas Aston Anderson

Rules and Guidelines

Teams: Teams can consist of 6-7 players but must have only 5 players on the court (1 being a goalie). Players to wear appropriate sports gear and indoor sports shoes only.

Game Times: Games are approx 20 minutes, consisting of 9 min halves and a 2 min turn around time. 

The Court: The outer black line on the main entrance side is out. All other sides in play (ball does not go out so it is play on). The blue circle area in front of goal is the goalies area only.

Main Rules:

From a kick off opposing team must be behind the blue line. 

There is no off side.

If a player kicks a ball over the outer black line the opposing team gets a kick in from the red side line (NO throw ins!). Opposing players must be 3 metres from the player taking the kick.

If the goalie steps out of the blue circle area to play a ball tackle an opposing player - the attacking team will be given a penalty.

If a goalie's team mate steps into the blue circle area to play a ball or oppossing player the attacking team gets the penalty.

If an attacking player steps into the blue circle area of the opposing goalie it is the goalies free kick.

A goalie can not kick over half way on the full. The other team get to restart on the half way line.

Free kicks given for fouls. Opposing players must be 3 metres from the player taking the kick.

Free kicks are also given for a high ball (if higher than the basketball backboards) - usually refs call.







Friends and Family are welcome to watch games. Limited seating is available on the side of the gym and spectators must keep off the court during play (outside rthe black lined area). 

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