2025 Cheerleading
Expressions of Interest are open, please see the link in the registration tab below.
Before your child commits to this sport please read the very important information below.
If you have any questions or require additional information about Cheerleading, please email our Sports Department.
Cheerleading Information
General Info
2025 Cheer trials are coming up next week in week 3 in the gym.
Game times & venue
The specific time and location for each event will be advised.
Spring Carnival and Nationals
2025 Fee: approximately $400 for the year.
A $100 deposit will be asked for initially, with the balance loaded onto your child's Kindo account.
The fee amount is to be confirmed.
When the team is selected, the registration information will be emailed out. The deposit will be on the shop wiht the balance loaded onto your child's Kindo account.
If your child is keen to trial please compete the form by Tuesday 18th February.
Cheerleading Expressions of Interest
This form is only to be completed by students with a NX email address.
Training is every Thursday lunchtime. Your child needs to be committed to attend all these sessions.
There will also be one session before school. Day & time TBC. This will commence once the team is selected.
Selection process
We go through a very thorough selection process to finalise our teams and players will be placed in a team that our selectors have determined best suits their ability and experience. While inevitably there will be some movement of players, both up and down teams, it is important to remember that this movement can be a result of the following factors:
- New players who didn’t play last year can also create movement for other players, especially if they are placed in a higher team, resulting in other players moving down to a lower team.
- Individual development and growth over the summer months. If individual players have put in an extra effort and completed additional training over the holiday, this can definitely show during trials, resulting in higher performance on the court and some movement between teams.
We understand that some students will have questions regarding the trial process and eventually the team selection – if your child does, please ask them to see Anna in the sports office.
As per our Sports Selection Policy, no correspondence regarding team selection will be entered into. If you wish to view it, please download the document at the bottom of this page.
Coaches, managers & umpires
The Cheerleading team does not require a coach. If we need a manager at a future date, we will advise.
All coaches and managers are required to be police vetted by Northcross. If you are keen to take on one of these roles and have not yet been police vetted by our school, please email the Sport Department and we will send you through the relevant forms to fill out.