
Communication between the school, student and their caregiver is key to creating an environment where your child can thrive. 

General enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office via email or by phoning 09 477 0167.

For more in-depth discussions, we recommend emailing your child’s teacher to schedule an appointment.

Our Senior Leadership Team, consisting of the Principal and Deputy Principals, is also readily available to speak with parents. This is a key part of their roles.

Visiting the school grounds

If coming on to school grounds, please come to the School Office for a visitors pass, before visiting a classroom or speaking to a child. This is to maintain school security and to protect our students.

Reporting an absence

It is a Ministry requirement for a caregiver to notify the school of all student absences, including if a student needs to leave school early or arrives late. Please contact the school by 9.30am if you child is going to be away. 

View our Reporting an Absence page for methods of notification.

Reporting an Absence

Unreported absences

Unreported absences will prompt a text message or phone call requesting confirmation and details of the students absence.

Staying Informed

Student diary notes

To facilitate communication between home and school, we utilise our student diary. We ask that any necessary notes or messages be written here. This serves as a two-way channel for parents and teachers. Parents are expected to regularly review and sign the diary to acknowledge they've seen the student's work programme and any other important notes.

Daily notices

For real-time updates on school news, sports draws, and events, be sure to visit our Daily Notices page. This resource is updated frequently, so we encourage you to check it regularly to stay in the loop.

Read Daily Notices

School newsletters

The NX Beacon-Ramaroa newsletter is published regularly and delivered to your email, in addition to being available on our website. This newsletter serves as the primary channel of communication between home and school, so we strongly encourage you to keep an eye out for it. Parents are assumed to have read and acted upon any instructions or requests it contains, e.g. notifying the school if a student is not to participate in an activity.

Read NX Beacon


Our academic year begins with individual Parent-Teacher-Student interviews, serving as an introduction to the year ahead. Subsequently, two more interviews are scheduled: one at the end of Term 1, focusing on goal-setting and data sharing, and another mid-year, after reports have been issued.

Students play an integral role in these discussions, contributing their perspectives as part of our larger commitment to student-driven learning.

School app – Real-time reporting

We use an online platform for real-time reporting to parents and caregivers.  Students will upload evidence of their learning progress and achievement throughout the year and teachers will comment on this learning. 

An assessment summary will be set up after the first round of assessment. This will be updated in term three and then again at the end of the year.

To view your child's progress download the @school app on your mobile device (for android devices you will need to include ‘Etap’ in your search). This will allow you to set up a user account. You can then also login online to view the account.

Activating school app instructions    Login to @school online