Māori Pasifika Group

At Northcross, Cultural identity is an important contributor to the well-being of our students. 

The students who participate in our Māori Pasifika group come together every Thursday and participate in various cultural activities such as, Waiata, Haka, Rakau, Drama, Art, Sports, Pasifika dance, Sa Sa and Carving.

Our Māori Pasifika group helps Maori and Pasifika students to connect and create a feeling of belonging and security.

The highlight of the year is our end of year celebration where our students perform for their whanau. Students who demonstrate leadership and outstanding effort are acknowledged on the night and receive awards. This is a successful and special evening for students, staff and whanau.


All information is communicated through our Daily Notices and our Maori Pasifika Team Reach App.

Team Reach Code: NXMP2021

Teacher in Charge: Maraea Rameka