
2025 ORIENTEERING SPRINT SERIES. Regsitrations closes Friday 21 February

Before your child commits to this sport please read the very important information below. 

If you have any questions or require additional information about Orienteering, please email our Sports Department.

Orienteering sprint series Information

General Information

The Sprint Series is a fun competition and it’s a format the students enjoy, fast yet challenging and over relatively quickly. This will be excellent preparation for the North Harbour Zone Day Thursday 20 March.

The winner of the series in each grade is based on the best 4 out of 5 events with points being given as a % against the winner’s time (1000 to the winner). The runners carry a type of transponder called an ecard which records their time at each control. Controls must be visited in the correct order. It’s not possible to cheat as the transponder knows the order of the course.

2025 events:

Information regarding further 2025 orienteering events will be emailed out to those who compete in the sprint series, as experience is necessary for the majority of any further events.

Event times, dates & venue

Event start time

Events will start around 3.30pm, rain, hail or shine. The last competitors should finish about 5.30pm or just after.

Event dates & venue:

  • Thursday 27 February – Birkenhead College

  • Thursday 6 March – Rosmini College

  • Thursday 13 March – Orewa College

  • Thursday 20 March – Takapuna Campus

  • Thursday 27 March – Glenfield College


Year 8’s please note: The week you are at camp you should be back in time to still compete. 

Sprint Series Final

  • Sunday 6 April 2025

  • Morning event at McLeans College – First start at 10am

  • Afternoon Event at St Kentigern College – First start at 1:30pm

  • Placing from morning event determines starting place for afternoon event

  • Final result is the total of both morning and afternoon times.

North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs

This will be held in South Auckland from 25 - 27 April. The Sprint will be at Wesley College and the Long and Relay at Muirs Farm, Kohekohe. More information can be found on the CMOC website. The end of term and holidays may seem distant now, but they will be on us before we realise, so start thinking about this event now! Information will be emailed out closer to the time.


The cost for participation is $75, this is a one time payment for the series, 5 events.

Please note: this fee is non-refundable.


Registration for 2025 will open Tuesday 28 January

Register via the NX Online Shop

2025 registrations close: Friday 21 February

Full (non-refundable) payment will be required at time of registration. See Fees for more information.

Register Now


As these events take place after school, students will need to organise their own transport to and from the events. 


Students are required to attend all events in their PE uniform with appropriate footwear, students are not able to compete in bare feet.

Selection Policy

Selection Policy

We go through a very thorough selection process to finalise our teams and players will be placed in a team that our selectors have determined best suits their ability and experience. While inevitably there will be some movement of players, both up and down teams, it is important to remember that this movement can be a result of the following factors:

  • New players who didn’t play last year can also create movement for other players, especially if they are placed in a higher team, resulting in other players moving down to a lower team.
  • Individual development and growth over the summer months. If individual players have put in an extra effort and completed additional training over the holiday, this can definitely show during trials, resulting in higher performance on the court and some movement between teams.

We understand that some students will have questions regarding the trial process and eventually the team selection – if your child does, please ask them to see Anna in the sports office.

As per our Sports Selection Policy, no correspondence regarding team selection will be entered into. If you wish to view it, please download the document at the bottom of this page.

Club Information

Please see links for club information.

Auckland Orienteering Club Inc
Northwest Orienteering Club