Our Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles

Our Vision

Northcross Intermediate’s vision is about developing Year 7 and 8 students that are highly-skilled , knowledgeable and caring.

We want our students to be inclusive, innovative and inspired, learners, who will become active, engaged and thoughtful citizens now and in the future.

Our Mission

Whakapakari Tāngata mā te Whakararu me te Ako

“Individual Growth through Challenge and Learning” nurtures personal development by embracing challenges and continuous learning. Northcross Intermediate will be committed to promoting growth, by encouraging individuals to step out of their comfort zones, face difficulties, and engage in ongoing educational and practical pursuits.

Guiding Principles

Learners with their whānau are at the centre of teaching and learning at Northcross.

Great education opportunities and outcomes are within reach for all learners aligned with unique intermediate structures.

Ensure that Northcross is safe, inclusive and free from racism, discrimination and bullying.

Quality teaching and leadership make the difference for learners and their whanau.

Develop a forward thinking, future focussed, high performing school community.

Meaningfully incorporate tikanga Māori into everyday life at Northcross.

NX Annual Plan & Charter
2025 – 2027

NX Literacy & Numeracy Assessments 2024

From NX Beacon