Science has been booming throughout 2023 at Northcross. Students across the school have been engaged with exciting and enticing Science investigations and experiments. On top of this, those students interested in developing and carrying out their own projects were encouraged and assisted where necessary. Over 80 projects were submitted for NX Expo and of those 26 were shortlisted to represent Northcross at this year’s North Harbour NIWA Science and Technology Fair. 15 Science and 11 Technology projects were entered into the NH Fair, of which, 14 Science and 9 Technology projects were recognised for their efforts and findings.

Northcross students were very visible at the prize giving ceremony last night, with most students receiving multiple awards for the same project. Special mention to the following students who won Top of Category:
Leilani Job (Consumer Science),
Ceci Ranum (Technology Product Design),
Georgina O’Connell (Material World) and
Harini Nellipudi (Software/Hardware Technology).
Not only did Northcross take home 4 of the 7 Top of Category awards, we also received the NH NIWA Premier award for Top project at the Fair. Congratulations to Ceci Ranum for receiving this incredible award for her product design Survival 3.3.3. This survival jacket was handcrafted in order to allow you to last 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. What a great concept – Congratulations.
Monique Auths – Teacher in Charge