
2025 Waterpolo registrations are now closed.

Before your child commits to this sport please read the very important information below. 

Please note: ALL TRIALISTS must be able to swim in a deep pool and confidently complete a 50m swim on both their front and back. Should the NH selectors feel a player is not strong enough, schools will be notified. It is recommended that students attend all trials.

If you have any questions or require additional information about Waterpolo, please email our Sports Department.

Waterpolo Information

Game times & venue

Game location: Games are played at AUT Millennium, Antares Place, Mairangi Bay.

Game day & times: Games in Terms 2, 3 and 4 will take place on a Friday afternoon/evening between 3.45pm – 9pm.


Register via the NX Online Shop

A non-refundable deposit will be required at time of registration. See Fees for more information.

Register Now
Please note: While we will accept registrations from all players, North Harbour Waterpolo may not be able to fit all teams into the competition so some players may miss out. We will advise if this situation arises.


Trials - Term 1: $55 
Terms 2, 3, & 4: $140 per term

A non-refundable deposit will be required at time of registration. 

If your child is selected to one of the three NX teams, there will be 2 weeks of training prior to the end of term 1.


Trial dates: Friday 28 Feb, 7, 14, 21 March and Friday 4 April.

Please note not all dates may be required. 

Trial times: 3.30 – 4.30pm.

Trial location: AUT Millennium, Antares Place, Mairangi Bay.

Please note: ALL TRIALISTS must be able to swim in a deep pool and confidently complete a 50m swim on both their front and back. Should the NH selectors feel a player is not strong enough, schools will be notified.

It is recommended that students attend all trials.

There will be training sessions held for those selected on Monday 7 and Friday 11 April.


Training will run during Terms 2, 3 & 4. Commencement date TBC.

Day: Monday

Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Location: AUT Millennium, Antares Place, Mairangi Bay.

Transport: Own responsibility. There is a bus that the students can catch. Details will be emailed with the trial information.


If your child is successful in securing a spot in the Waterpolo A team, it may be necessary that they wear the NX Waterpolo togs. Depending on whether we are able to attain stock, these will be available to order and pay for from our Resource Room. The cost for Girls togs are to be confirmed. These are high quality togs specifically designed for Waterpolo. We will inform parents when they become available. The purchase of the togs is not exclusive to the A team.

Details will be sent with the team selection email.

Selection process

We go through a very thorough selection process to finalise our teams and players will be placed in a team that our selectors have determined best suits their ability and experience. While inevitably there will be some movement of players, both up and down teams, it is important to remember that this movement can be a result of the following factors:

  • New players who didn’t play last year can also create movement for other players, especially if they are placed in a higher team, resulting in other players moving down to a lower team.
  • Individual development and growth over the summer months. If individual players have put in an extra effort and completed additional training over the holiday, this can definitely show during trials, resulting in higher performance on the court and some movement between teams.

We understand that some students will have questions regarding the trial process and eventually the team selection – if your child does, please ask them to see Anna in the sports office.

As per our Sports Selection Policy, no correspondence regarding team selection will be entered into. If you wish to view it, please download the document at the bottom of this page.